Wednesday, November 28, 2007
They say we will be able to move in just before Christmas. But we will probably wait til after Christmas. That will give me time to do some work on the place, just some minor stuff. Coleman has started to smile and giggle and laugh. Not very often though-he's a very serious baby. Most of the time he looks like an angry old man.
Every one is fine and looking forward to christmas.
Take care all. Yeah library again so no pics.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Thank you to all who sent cards and congratulations. Both Colemans are fine as are Charlene and Miranda. I say both Colemans because I replaced the generator and pump assembly in my stove and it works great.
Any hoo the ferry is shut down for the season and it's quite warm -10 right now so they say maybe mid december for the ice road. Could put a damper on christmas if we can't get out to yellowknife. Hello Sears I guess.
Well I gotta go, I'm on a day off and am cooking my xmas practice turkey today and am going to make a wicked nice dinner for the best wife in the world.
Take care all.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
some pics
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Library again...
Yeah snow's here-people have been out on snowmachine already. two nights ago the overnight low was -18.
Rebecca hasn't met Coleman yet-when we go to Yellowknife for x-mas shopping I guess. Beckers is going through a difficult time right now. Maybe I'll drag her home with me at christmas and try talk her in to staying in Simpson. Well I'm going for a drive. The house purchase is no closer than last month- so regular blogging won't be happening anytime soon. I think my Lawyer has a smack habit or is a compulsive dice tosser-sure seems to be dragging this out. Shakespeare said it best, n'est pas?
What? come on! I dropped out of high school and even I know, "first we kill all the lawyers"
Saturday, October 27, 2007
I Put my boat away- had to knock about 400 lbs of ice off it first. The hardest part of winter coming...putting away the boat. I think I might have to buy a snowmobile this year.
I used to ride a lot back in the day. I had a souped up Polaris 600 triple. That was very fast.
There is nothing like flying down an ice road at 120 mph. But if I buy one now it will be a more family oriented machine. Although truth be told, even now I'm thinking about next year guessed it a new boat! The inflatable is great(but small and slow).
Just don't call him late for dinner...
He's a bit fussy(gets that from mom) but on the whole is a good baby. Charlene is still nervous about him;and a little jealousy shows now and then. But I make sure and spend time with her and tell her she's my favorite kid. They all are really, it just depends on which one I'm looking at at the time.
Rebecca not being with us kinda gets me down. (I've yet to have my three kids in the same place at the same time) Christmas for that hopefully.
well that's it for now. have a great big day!
Friday, October 26, 2007
finally...Ta-Dahh!!! PICS

Wednesday, October 24, 2007
no pics
Sorry gang...I'm trying. Oh yeah winter's here. Heavy snowfall warning for the whole Mckenzie valley.
I still don't have my boat put away yet! better get right at that.
bye for now.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
home again finally
Coleman, Miranda and Charlene are all doing great...I have pics but I'm at the library and the computer is old and there is no usb port...Miranda will have to go to Brenda's place and put up pics.well my long run of nights starts tonight so i'll sign off.
Friday, October 5, 2007
still here....still waiting
Charlene doesn't mind, as she says " I like spending time in Lellowknife. " She has trouble saying the "Y"
so it's Lellowknife to her.
I'll let ya know what happens.
Snowed and blowed all night, winter time in the 'knife.
Hopefully there's a computer room at the next place we stay.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
no news is good news...
We should be moving into our house the end of Oct. and we'll get our internet back then. I actually don't have internet at work either.(it's a special modem thingy...) But once I move the good folks at NASA and CSA via the University of Calgary will be picking up the bill for my internet. I didn't have the camera with me on the way to yellowknife and you don't see much at mach 3 anyways. But I would have liked to post a pic of all the snow for Frank.
Anyhoo, Miranda is probably wondering where I am (I went out to the truck about 40 minutes ago) on my way back in I saw the hotel business center and voila. and now it's been 45 minutes. I'm bagged. goodnight.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Soon, I hope!
Miranda would freak if she knew I stopped to blog on the way to my son's birth!!!
Oh yeah she has now decided to not use Coleman, if you can believe that. So people a write in campaign is needed. Honk if you like Coleman!
bye guys, be in touch!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007
charlie brown plays while we get ready for our trip. I actually got back last night. we came back early because Steven learned that the sun up here can burn you pretty bad. We had 30 degree temps every day and no cloud to speak of.
We travelled just over 300 miles by boat on the river. It was a difficult trip, but fun. we only caught 6 fish. It was just too damn hot.
I've always liked fishing back to when I was a kid, at the cottage or purdy's brook. But, brother Frank gets the credit/blame for the fanatic that I am today. When I stayed with him in North Bay as a young feller he took me out fishing on lake Nippissing and Trout lake I think it was. Sheepshead, bass and northern pike. real rod bending action. well, I'm pretty tired, so that's all for now.
Monday, June 18, 2007
no pics....again, my fault, not blogger..this time
so I won't rty that until we go.
I am without a doubt the luckiest guy in the world Sis. And I know it. I thank the stars.
I just discovered you tube myself, they have some great videos of yeah you guessed it FISHING!
well all for now.
take care all!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
t-minus 72h...
I've never been up river that far before so it should be cool. I will have miranda's hard drive vid-cam with me so if any one wants a DVD of our trip, just e-mail your mailing address to either or and specify if you want the family friendly version or the one that's rife with profanity as I go apes**t over losing a big fish. I'm also thinking you might want to choose between the sober version and the alcohol soaked version. (I only drink during june, july and august) for the rest of the year I am a complete tea totler. So when I go out camping I try to squeeze a whole years worth of drinking into those 3 months.
wish me luck with the boat trial.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
the name game
And she still takes care of our house too.
So to say I'm proud of her, doesn't even begin to touch the way this amazing woman blows me away every day! LOVE YA BABE!
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
blogger punked me.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
I know, not funny.
I was surprised and pleased when I found out. I was so happy, I went out and bought a new truck. We traded in our '06 Ford Escape for a brand new '07 ford F150 4x4. It's pretty big, but we actually will have room for all the kids, the dog, the boat, motor, 3 coolers, 8 jerry cans, and a partridge in a pear tree. But I must admit, driving that behemoth around Yellowknife was...nerve racking. On the way home we had some buffalo troubles, A bunch were on the road and wouldn't move. I honked my horn and a big nursing cow lowered her head and took some aggressive steps toward us (the new ford trucks run from trouble quite nicely) but after fifteen minutes the buff proved her point and gave us the road. There is some video but it's rated R because I was freaking out. bye4now
Monday, June 4, 2007
sorry 'bout that
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
a week off? you gotta be kiddin" !
When you live in an isolated area, it's a really big deal to go to Yellowknife (the big town)
I mean all the fast food, canadian tire, all the stuff that you southern folks take for granted traffic lights! hard to get used to that. It almost makes the 8 hour drive worth it!
I remember when we were kids, mom would dope us up with a gravol pill before a long drive.
That car door would close, and the world got fuzzy-poof! we would wake up in Lawrencetown when we stopped for supper, another gravol fix and the world got fuzzy- poof! we would wake up in Halifax! mom said the gravol was so we wouldn't get car sick but Mike and i were easier to control and more behaved when we were comatose.
Dad told me once that when I eventually took my kids on long drives there would be tv in the cars and the car would know how to get to places on it's own, and if you needed help someone would talk to you through your radio. Sounded like science fiction then, now it sounds like DVD, GPS and ONSTAR. It's not as buck rogers as when I imagined it as a kid talking to dad, but it's still pretty cool.
Any hoo, if you are hoping for boy/girl you will hopefully know when we get back. bye
Sunday, May 27, 2007
no pics, not much going on...
The bugs are getting pretty bad now, our little dip below zero wasn't quite enough to do any real damage. And we've been getting just enough precipitation to make sure there are lots of the hungry buggers.
It got up to 27 degrees here the other day so that means the thunder bees and hair eaters will be out soon. These are some of the grossest bugs god ever put on the planet. Seriously, a big (1 to 2 inch) gross shiny black beetle with long antennas, velcro feet, that you guessed it land on you and EAT YOUR HAIR! and thunder bees....nuff said?
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
my new e-mail, and yeah snow again
There is one time of the year when I am REALLY happy to get snow...and this is one of them.
It has been snowing for the past 15 hours. Take that! you *&%&$#@# mosquitoes! The forecast is calling for more snow and temps falling below zero. After the first two hatches of bugs, if you can get a good freeze it basically means a summer with very few bugs. Three years ago it happened and I went the whole summer and never used bug dope once!
I have booked my first two sets of holidays for the summer with one week at the beginning of june and one at the end of june. The first week of june I'm going to take the wife over to yellowknife for some shopping and her ultrasound appointment.
The last week belongs to me. Me and my co-worker Steve will be going on a river trip for about a week. Well night shift again so it's time for coffee, and a shower.
Sis, that would be awesome! We really wanted to come down this year; but it's not in the cards.
Spring of '08 for sure. Miranda said she would prefer to travel with a nine month old baby, as opposed to travelling when still pregnant.
Monday, May 14, 2007
It's funny, for some things my memory is almost edetic (photographic) and for other things it's almost non existant.
which reminds me Mike, wasn't it actually Purdy's name on the building despite it being Henshaw's auto body, then it got painted that teal color shortly before Earl Goucher bought it and operated it with Steven Harris as S&E auto body. Any body ever drive down through Deep Brook? I would love to see any pics from there; new or old.
Well I am looking for another job and have applied on a job with the justice department as a probation officer (Look up IRONY in the dictionary). I know, priceless! But I need something with regular hours that pays roughly the same and still lets me feel like I am doing something worthwhile. Historically, I've gotten every job I've ever tried for; so here's hoping that holds true.
We might go Grayling fishing this afternoon so hopefully some pics tonite. Ha Ha my stomach actually just growled very loudly when I thought about...mmmmm..Grayling..slobber. drool.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Sunday, May 6, 2007
tears in my eyes
Oh man it's good to laugh like that, thanks Mike. God the smell, you could tell from a half mile a way when Phyllis was at the house.
happy birthday sis
Love ya Sis, Happy Birthday!
Saturday, May 5, 2007
can get if you try really hard. The water is only about four feet deep; so he's not in any real danger(but you can drown in a mud puddle right?) However, someone dies every other year doing this on lakes or the river. Yes, I have done it once and no, not on purpose.
Friday, May 4, 2007

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Tuesday, May 1, 2007
twofer tuesday
river update
Sunday, April 29, 2007
roll on big river, roll on...please
Saturday, April 28, 2007
My first year here in Simpson we had temperatures of +20 and higher for about five weeks and then one morning near the end of june...BAM! we got more than 2 feet of snow overnight.
I've been in touch with my colleagues at Environment Canada and are considering naming this phenomenon after my older brother. When the weather is nice and warm but you are going to get an unexpected dump of snow this will be known as getting Franked. Monday morning cooffee talk might go something like this...
" How was your weekend?"
"Horrible, the weather was nice on friday, but we got franked over night."
"Really, was it bad?"
"Yeah, a foot of snow on the ground saturday morning."
"Bummer, I can handle a late season storm, but getting franked is the worst!"
Friday, April 27, 2007
Some movement on the river!!!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
guantana...where did you say?
Well the river is hanging on with a vengeance. The ice hasn't moved an inch. It has melted away from the shore and there is some open spots here and there. (isn't a picture worth a thousand words?) Tomorrow, I promise ,for some pics. I think when the river breaks it's going to go like a toilet flush; all at once.
We have been averaging between 80 and a 100 movements a day at work.
A movement is everytime an aircraft arrives, departs or flies over my area of responsibility.
I'm back on nights tonight so, it's a little slower.
And we have the first crop of mosquitoes out already. They are great big hungry buggers too.
well off to work...I can hear the planes still going one after another off the island airport. might be a busy night after all.
well off to work...or gitmo
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
They're here

Well the green meanies are here. Some arrived early and caused a bit of hub bub at the airport. That little plane you see in one of the pics was not tied down. These Griffon helicopters have four blade main rotors and push A LOT of air. When the first chopper came in to land at the fuel tanks, the crew from number two had to jump to the ground and run over and hold that plane down. The others hover near by providing cover and waiting for their turn at the pumps.
That's all they will let me say for now. I could say more...but of course then they would have to kill me.