Klinger? Wow! I never woulda thunk it! I honestly thought back then that you were kinda gung-ho. Frank, You were larger than life for me when I was a kid.(don't worry, you are normal sized now!) I remember thinking how cool to run around shooting Germans.(uh, I was like 5, o.k.?)
I remember what I was thinking when this pic was taken...I was going to ask Sis for a snoopy sticker, when she finished taking the pic. Frank went to basic shortly after this was taken I believe. Was that the reason for the pic? You can see Dad and Frank seem to be looking at the T.V. anyone remember what was on?.....NO? O.K. I'll tell you, It was the news.
Great pic, I especially like that Mom is the one taking the picture. Remember listening to Steppenwolf records when I was a kid, till this day every time I listen to Magic Carpet Ride I think of you.
so, it seems that Melinda and I have something special in common...
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