Friday, June 25, 2010

miranda caught some nice pickerel down at willow on the weekend, about six or seven pounds.
charlie brown and harley built a lean-to, and almost had us convinced to let them sleep in there...almost. instead miranda decided to move one of the log warehouses and fix it up into a little cabin for the kids. we'll probably wait and do that in the fall when it's cooler and no bugs.
I'm taking duane from work and one of the local pilots fishing down there tomorrow.
and sis i detest asparagus but miranda either likes it or just likes to grow it. anyways most of it bit the dust(literally). I snuck up on the kids when charlene was reading to her little brudder.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Charlie's weekend for sure. She climbed a tree, drove the truck and her corn came up like gangbusters. We start 'em young driving in our family. rebecca learned when she was four and was quite good at it. Charlene did ok too with mom's help. and I didn't catch a thing, although I only fished for about 20 minutes. We re-built the fire pit, but I'm not happy enough with the design yet, so I didn't cement it in. ya gotta find just the right rocks, it could take some time.
we didn't start on the gazebo either, but miranda put up a temporary tee-pee a temp-pee if you will. If a tee-pee is made just right(this one is) they are awesome, no matter how bad the mosquitoes are outside there are none inside, and if one comes in, the thermals from the fire shoot them right out the top. I might make it two years in a row with out using bug dope. I hate that sh#$ worse then the bugs. Our corn, cucmbers and watermelon are doing ok as is the asparagus...asparagus? what was she thinking?