My Charlie Brown and I went trick or treating; it was freezing rain out but we had fun anyways.
Halloween was different when we were kids...are you out there Mike? " Those Brown boys!"
Of course we didn't really need Halloween to be bad. All we needed was an afternoon and a book of matches.
There's a rare pic of me holding my little squishy-face! He's pretty cute but it's hard to tell because he blinks every time the flash goes off-maybe a good ol' reglar camra' is what I need. The delay with the digital cam gives him time to close his eyes.
Halloween is over, Tim. You can take the mask off now.
When the weather is hot and sticky rmember that book?
What a cutie - the baby I mean! Love Charlene's costume!
Hey Tim,nice looking baby. Oh, you don't look half bad yourself but I do think you should try the soother. Dip it in some beer and you never know what could happen. You just my love it. We had a pretty good storm here yesterday and I took some shots of the wave action. They are on my blog if you are interested. I payed for some of the close-ups as the waves attacked me and try to steal one of my shoes (in blog).
O.K. Tim, time for more pics - babies change so fast at this stage and we need to see it!
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