Monday, May 14, 2007

A belated happy birthday to Michelle, as I have been only recently returned to terra cognita it may take a while to get bdays and the like uploaded to the old biological hard drive. So expect a few more "belated", as they go by me. Sis, I had yours pegged cuz I have a method, my bday is on the fifth so yours "MAY" be on the 6th. I hate being a stereotypical GUY in that for the most part those days escape my memory. I got married the day after my birthday to make sure I would remember our anniversary, Yeah right.. as I get older, I try and forget my birthday on purpose, so that didn't work out. I always have to ask Miranda when Charlene's birthday is.
It's funny, for some things my memory is almost edetic (photographic) and for other things it's almost non existant.
which reminds me Mike, wasn't it actually Purdy's name on the building despite it being Henshaw's auto body, then it got painted that teal color shortly before Earl Goucher bought it and operated it with Steven Harris as S&E auto body. Any body ever drive down through Deep Brook? I would love to see any pics from there; new or old.

Well I am looking for another job and have applied on a job with the justice department as a probation officer (Look up IRONY in the dictionary). I know, priceless! But I need something with regular hours that pays roughly the same and still lets me feel like I am doing something worthwhile. Historically, I've gotten every job I've ever tried for; so here's hoping that holds true.
We might go Grayling fishing this afternoon so hopefully some pics tonite. Ha Ha my stomach actually just growled very loudly when I thought about...mmmmm..Grayling..slobber. drool.

1 comment:

the Mailman Family said...

Tim, we drive through Deep Brook about once a week on our way to Digby grocery shopping. I'll get Brenton to take some pics of our old house - across from the auto body shop and the one (ones) on the Purdy Road. There is a new house up behind Buzz Purdy's house (next door to our little white house). Jeanette and Mac MacWhinnie still live in Deep Brook in the same house and Darren MacWhinnie (remember Darren and Dana? They used to call me Sissy too.) live in another house we used to live in - the Skidmore house - where you were born. Anyway, any special requests for pics - let me know!