God, if there is one thing worse than trying to get your own computer to work right, it's trying to get someone else's to work. Charlene and one day old Coleman-She's nervous...can ya tell? There is one of mom and Coleman.
And of course one of the little old man himself.
WOW- this internet connection is smokin'! I've only been sitting here five minutes and got three pics up!
Miranda is going back to work on Monday-I can't believe it either. She'll be taking Coleman and Charlene with her too. She's going to be Slavey language instructor for the pre-schoolers in the daycare. What an amazing woman!
Check out the breather holes on my son! The Brown nose in true classic form. Well I'm on nights tonight so I gotta go, and I wanna check you guy's blogs before I go so. Til next time!
well, hello there little coleman! aren't you a sweetie!
Yup, computers suck. Cole, can we call him Cole? sure does have the brown nose.
What a cutie - welcome to the family little Cole! Big sister Charlene is so gorgeous. You make good looking kids, little brother. I'm sure alot of that credit should go to Mama.
I can't believe Miranda is going back to work so soon - she must be Super Woman!
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