Sunday, June 29, 2008

Here's a nice fish(not the one that bit me) and a pic of a spider web. I woke up around 6:30 and the fog was right up to the tent I mean zero visibility. I stumbled around and got the fire up enough for coffee and as I was sitting on a log having coffee the sun started to lift the fog and as it lifted the spider web was revealed. beauty in nature.

Friday, June 27, 2008

well, I'm back. pics will be spread out over both blogs over the next few days as there are a million of them. It was an awesome trip that began on the first evening when a cariboo came running through our camp and almost ended up arse over tea kettle in my boat. We had thunderstorms almost everyday for a few hours with hail one time. but as steve-o and I are both weathermen that was a bonus. we caught a lot of fish and literally went back to camp sore from fighting the fish, we caught a few 20 pounders and I couldn't even guess how many in the 10 to 15 lb range.

steve-o fell out of the boat, which was odd because he did it by trying to stay dry. He dropped my lip grip in to the lake, and in reaching over to get it, was just shy, if he had took a breath and leaned his face in, he would have been able to reach, but he tried to turn his shoulder and defy the laws of physics but physics won, and tossed him in the lake.

Anyhoo, the pics are popping up, one of our stuff in the float plane- I can't say enough about the operation Ted Grant runs at Simpson Air, Ted is a legendary bush pilot up here and all his crew are top notch. A pic of a river that runs off the Horn Plateau from about 2000 feet up. Steven in the back of the plane with the gear and head set on. Miranda crying and waving good bye on the river bank above the simpson air float dock. sometimes the fish get even, I released a jackfish and after it was back in the water as i was pulling my hand back up the fish came back airborn out of the water and shredded my finger...good times, good times.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


well my vacation started an hour ago. feels good. 3 days til departure. I know I ve been remiss with the blogging and I know the eagle ain't moved a lick, but to be fair, I've been busy at work, and miranda was looking after the residence for the past two weeks. Friday the thirteenth was a bad one as Miranda had to take me to the health center at 6:00am in extreme pain (they blame my kidneys). I'm dubious about that. but some "imaging" will tell the tale. when I get back from fishing of course-a guys gotta have priorities. there was some talk of medevac-ing me out, but I opted to stay in town and just have them manage the pain. If I had gone to YK on a medevac, they would have just done the same thing, at least at home I was somewhat comfortable. Sis here's the one and only...Coleman Brown. I told myself I wasn't going to cross contaminate my blogs but the answer to the question is a "boar spear" and it is exactly what it sounds like. Steve-o of the crispy sticks wants to kill a bear with it...I know, I know. (don't worry, I won't let him)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Well, not much happening. 15 days til the trip. pics of the majestic eagle, at the not so majestic fort simpson landfill.
badee badee badee that's all folks.