Wednesday, December 31, 2008

happy new year

well as they say it's twelve o clock somewhere. A belated happy birthday to older brother jurassic Frank. I understand cathy couldn't use the appropriate amount of candles on the birthday cake because of some added fire insurance issues (with THAT many candles, it's technically a bonfire).
Yeah, ol' Frank has been around since the time of christ, and is still wearing his hair and beard the way him and jesus did back in the day.
I'm just kidding frank. I hope you and cathy have a great new year with much happiness.
well, i'm getting into my cups as they used to say in ancient rome...vino veritas, did I get that right Frank?

Thursday, December 25, 2008

going for 11p.m. and still occasionally vulturing on the turkey carcass and I'm actually having a couple glasses of wine, even at christmas that's rare for me.

Other than me coleman and miranda having the flu, it was a good chirstmas. only one bummer we didn't get to see beckers as she stayed in yellowknife for x-mas. Coleman looks like a Las Vegas lounge singer in his little vest and tie. And BEHOLD....SILENT DEATH! Miranda got me this kick ass compound bow and all the goodies. oh, Coleman will be selling copies of his self titled debut CD in the parking lot after the show.

Merry christmas everyone.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Apparently i post about as often as I buy new winter jackets, and there is a reason for that, I have a pinched nerve in my neck and sitting at the computer is about as aggravating as it gets. Coleman has been practicing his peek-a- boo, there is some talk of him being invited to try out for the canadian olympic peek-a- boo team or as the chinese say peeka-boo.