Monday, May 31, 2010

Another willow weekend in the books. It was very hot, 30c on saturday 29 on sunday. Half the corn survived. oddly all the watermelon made it and asparagus did as well. nothing else made it.
On the off chance that nothing would make it, I started another batch of super-speedy corn, so I can have my corn on'a cob before summer is over. Miranda wants to build a gazebo where our teepee used to be and we are going to make a permanent fire pit with local stone and mortar.
I 'm looking forward to all that hard work in that hot sun.
The moon coming up thru the trees was pretty cool.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

our first trip of the summer went off without a hitch, that's Lone Mountain way in the distance looking downriver. Next is me on the cultivator and last but not least, getting the garden ready is a family affair and even coleman got in on the action. We planted corn, cucumbers, carrots, lettuce, tomatoes and watermelons. we started most of the stuff in the house at home and gambled that we wouldn't get another frost(i think we may have lost that bet as we had a frost here in simpson sunday night).
I knew mike was getting married again and was toying with the idea of crashing it, but ultimately decided not to. Thanks to sis for putting up pics it was great, I literally haven't even seen a pic of mike since i left- so it was cool. Congratulations bro! second time seems to be the charm in our family. As far as me coming down to new scotland it's gonna happen either this year or next, gotta be before 2012, you know the whole end of the world thing- Frank, batter up!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

coleman found charlene's chips and started feeding them to cheeto, one at a time(maybe we should have named her dorito instead of cheeto) he had fed her the whole bag before he thought to try one himself. he hasn't had chips before. and of course the pics are out of sequence.
and cathy to answer your question, harley is miranda's baby sister. she stayed with us for a couple of years when she was a baby, and spends a lot of time with us now, which is why she shows up inour blog on occasion. i probably never explained who she is before, so everyone, this is harley. harley this is everyone. kind of awkward like at a party or something, i apologize for my social faux pas.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

well, the ice is gone and the ferries are in, next weekend our summer begins, although with all the snow we've been getting you'd never know it.
Up top, we've got the coolman. in the next pic, the smile is still there but the fender is gone. Harley wiped out on her bike, she skinned her knee and gobbled some dirt but was okay and back riding the next day.
we had a few big cumulo nimbus move thru the other night, and miranda took some pics.
snow on the toys...grrrr. it's been like that off and on plus 17 one day snow the next.
and finally the scourge of the neighborhood. back soon with some fishing pics!