Sunday, April 1, 2007

Well, tomorrow will be one month smoke free. No pic but, ya gotta love this dial up. Yeah I'm cheap and got this all you can eat internet. We have been trying to post some video on the site.
Melinda started uploading a video of us in the boat in some rough water. The video is about a minute and a half 120mbs, no biggy right? right? yeah you'd think. 14 hours! I know! 14 hours to down load this video and yup, you guessed it, can't post it for some undefined reason. I say undefined bcuz that's the reason the computer says when we sign in. So we'll e-mail the vid to those that we have adresses for, if anyone wants to see it and we don't have yer e-dress ( I just invented that..e-dress, I like it!) Give us yer e-dress and we'll send it. By carrier pigeon or dial up whichever is like the.....

1 comment:

the Mailman Family said...

We saw the video clip and it looks like a wild ride!