well, three weeks smoke free. 'bout 4 days with no nicotine gum. still no casualties. I know the pic is not current, but I needed a little something, to get me thru. It's getting warmer out, about -9 outside right now, melt is starting slowly. Despite the post time on the blog, it's about 1:30 p.m. here right now. I have three night shifts left in this run. My new employee is here and is adjusting to life with nothing. By that I mean...nothing. I told her that the first thing she will notice is that TV commercials no longer apply to her. McDonald's-nope, Arby's- uh uh, Domino's- forget it,
Blackberry?...Not here! New cell phone maybe? Sorry, no signal..unless it's smoke signals! When she applied she said she wanted to escape the rat race. I told her up here we have to race beavers( rats can't take the cold, or the lightning quickness of our beavers) Ahh s**t don't know what I did here. better get the technician, MELINDAAAA!!! help, I'm stuck in bold and can't get out!
Good luck with the quitting. I might try next slushy season. Ooops, did I just put that out there on the "WWW"? I did say might, so that's still an out.
Yeah - congratulations - 3 weeks smoke free! So 'maybe' next year for Frank? I'll keep my fingers crossed on that one!
me too, aunt margaret!
Got to keep things in balance. I see three wheels already so I will make the fourth. Congratulations, again on being smoke free for 3 plus weeks. To some (that would be me) it seems like a lifetime already. I have smoked for 39 years. Maybe I'll go for an even 40 before I quit.
What's a slushy season? Sounds far enough away to be safe if you're "putting it out there!" If FB can quit, then I, too, will take up the challenge. So how many years do I have to work out a strategy?
Before I forget and that could be any minute now, Aunt Bessie has heard via John that you are in touch with your siblings. She wants your address, please, because she would like to write to you.
You can send your snail mail address to and in c/o j.miller@ns.sympatico.ca (iffn you have a mind to)
Gotta go and pass ou... - no wait, I think it should read "I have a date with the snooze button. Work tomorrow!
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