Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I don't think I'm crazy...

I will be starting another blog soon as this sight ain't big enough to hold all my crazy. I am going to start an internet based religion. Well, religion might be the wrong word. Generally religions offer hope of something better, in this life or the next. there is no hope to offer. Once you get a glimpse of what the ancient civilizations knew. (The Egyptians figured it out too) And like the Mayans, tried to send us a message. Hmmm how can I send a message forward in time thousands of years? And how can I make sure the future folks will get the message? Surely they won`t speak the same language. I know, I will build an enormous structure that will last thousands of years. This structure will be the medium for the message, the language used?...you guessed it Mathematics. The concepts of math and geometry never change and translate into every language(Pi will always be 3.14, 1+1=2). I'm talking of course about the pyramids. These enigmas, what message could be THAT important? Planetary precession(google that)
How and why do two VERY seperate civilizations come to basically the same conclusions independantly of each other?. It is a fact that the Mayans didn't even have use of the wheel as a basic tool. Well enough for now. Don't be afraid to call me crazy. I'm not even sure if I believe this stuff either. But an older RCMP officer told me once that if he was blind and ten people told him he was smelling a rose, he would at LEAST believe he was smelling a flower; even if he couldn't see it with his own eyes.

I think the ancients are trying to tell us about something, blind as we are...


Frank Brown said...

I can confirm that you are nuts. And lay off the internet religion. There's room for only ONE Guru.

Melinda and Timothy Brown said...

well I may be, and as they say I've been called far worse by far better;)
Room for only one? how intolerant.
Besides, my Mayan doomsday gods trump your, what was it again? oh yeah snow thingy.

I find it thought provoking, I spend a lot of time reading about ancient cultures, archeaology stuff like that.

the Mailman Family said...

Yup - crazy!

C said...

A little sibling rivalry?

Hmmmm...Could prove to be interesting reading for the rest of us out here!

I may have to take up reading again, so I can keep score.

Tim, I doubt if FB will ever be back to and I quote,"...probably already outside your place performing the sacrament." Back to Darkness in the Land Where Time Stood Still?

He plans to work his "magic" on his gnarly knees up North!

Kurt Vonnegut died... overnight.