Thursday, January 10, 2008

We are back on line

But one of the kids broke Miranda's camera just before christmas so no pics. We start moving in to our house tomorrow. It looks nice in there. the missus did a good job picking out the colors..especially since she didn't decide until about twenty minutes before we started painting.
Coleman is getting huge-I feel bad for no new pics. Rebecca is back with us again and we oredered her a new camera for xmas should be here soon, so pics coming.(I was gonna get Miranda a new camera for xmas and she said don't bother) shoulda.
We'll be offline for a couple of days while we move but normal ops after that.
Oh yeah, I recieved an award for outstanding contribution for that project I look after for NASA and the Canada Space Agency. I'll scan it in and post it. Hand signed by the CEO and president of the CSA. When the end of the world comes they are going to let me on the escape ship. But I'm not supposed to say anything about that, yeah we're just studying the northern lights folks nothing to get excited about...go back to what you were doing...forget I said anything.


the Mailman Family said...

Glad to see you're back on line again. Thought we lost you again . . . Can't wait for lots of pics! Hope the move goes well.

the Mailman Family said...

Congrats on your award!!!