Just my ramblings without even the benefit of visual stimulation(no pics).
Yeah snow's here-people have been out on snowmachine already. two nights ago the overnight low was -18.
Rebecca hasn't met Coleman yet-when we go to Yellowknife for x-mas shopping I guess. Beckers is going through a difficult time right now. Maybe I'll drag her home with me at christmas and try talk her in to staying in Simpson. Well I'm going for a drive. The house purchase is no closer than last month- so regular blogging won't be happening anytime soon. I think my Lawyer has a smack habit or is a compulsive dice tosser-sure seems to be dragging this out. Shakespeare said it best, n'est pas?
What? come on! I dropped out of high school and even I know, "first we kill all the lawyers"
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Saturday, October 27, 2007
yeah snowing again out there. this time of year I don't mind the snow. once it starts you might as well embrace it. When May rolls around it's a different story.
I Put my boat away- had to knock about 400 lbs of ice off it first. The hardest part of winter coming...putting away the boat. I think I might have to buy a snowmobile this year.
I used to ride a lot back in the day. I had a souped up Polaris 600 triple. That was very fast.
There is nothing like flying down an ice road at 120 mph. But if I buy one now it will be a more family oriented machine. Although truth be told, even now I'm thinking about next year and...you guessed it a new boat! The inflatable is great(but small and slow).
I Put my boat away- had to knock about 400 lbs of ice off it first. The hardest part of winter coming...putting away the boat. I think I might have to buy a snowmobile this year.
I used to ride a lot back in the day. I had a souped up Polaris 600 triple. That was very fast.
There is nothing like flying down an ice road at 120 mph. But if I buy one now it will be a more family oriented machine. Although truth be told, even now I'm thinking about next year and...you guessed it a new boat! The inflatable is great(but small and slow).
Just don't call him late for dinner...
Cole is fine. Right now, I'm calling him squishy face, so I think he wouldn't mind Cole at all.
He's a bit fussy(gets that from mom) but on the whole is a good baby. Charlene is still nervous about him;and a little jealousy shows now and then. But I make sure and spend time with her and tell her she's my favorite kid. They all are really, it just depends on which one I'm looking at at the time.
Rebecca not being with us kinda gets me down. (I've yet to have my three kids in the same place at the same time) Christmas for that hopefully.
well that's it for now. have a great big day!
He's a bit fussy(gets that from mom) but on the whole is a good baby. Charlene is still nervous about him;and a little jealousy shows now and then. But I make sure and spend time with her and tell her she's my favorite kid. They all are really, it just depends on which one I'm looking at at the time.
Rebecca not being with us kinda gets me down. (I've yet to have my three kids in the same place at the same time) Christmas for that hopefully.
well that's it for now. have a great big day!
Friday, October 26, 2007
finally...Ta-Dahh!!! PICS

God, if there is one thing worse than trying to get your own computer to work right, it's trying to get someone else's to work. Charlene and one day old Coleman-She's nervous...can ya tell? There is one of mom and Coleman.
And of course one of the little old man himself.
WOW- this internet connection is smokin'! I've only been sitting here five minutes and got three pics up!
Miranda is going back to work on Monday-I can't believe it either. She'll be taking Coleman and Charlene with her too. She's going to be Slavey language instructor for the pre-schoolers in the daycare. What an amazing woman!
Check out the breather holes on my son! The Brown nose in true classic form. Well I'm on nights tonight so I gotta go, and I wanna check you guy's blogs before I go so. Til next time!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
no pics
I'm at the library and this computer is giving me the gears, I can't put up pics. I have a staff meeting tonight so Miranda will got to her auntie's place and post from there.
Sorry gang...I'm trying. Oh yeah winter's here. Heavy snowfall warning for the whole Mckenzie valley.
I still don't have my boat put away yet! better get right at that.
bye for now.
Sorry gang...I'm trying. Oh yeah winter's here. Heavy snowfall warning for the whole Mckenzie valley.
I still don't have my boat put away yet! better get right at that.
bye for now.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
home again finally
well we got back in to Simpson last night about 11:30 pm. The road was bad and the fog had visibility down to about 1/4 mile, so I could only drive about 140kmh. Just kidding.
Coleman, Miranda and Charlene are all doing great...I have pics but I'm at the library and the computer is old and there is no usb port...Miranda will have to go to Brenda's place and put up pics.well my long run of nights starts tonight so i'll sign off.
Coleman, Miranda and Charlene are all doing great...I have pics but I'm at the library and the computer is old and there is no usb port...Miranda will have to go to Brenda's place and put up pics.well my long run of nights starts tonight so i'll sign off.
Friday, October 5, 2007
still here....still waiting
well I think I'm going to stay another night. Just going to move to a less expensive hotel. The one we're staying at is almost two hundred a night. And it's nice enough, but if you add on the 250 a day in lost wages, it gets pricey to stay too long. My buddy Steven sure doesn't mind..he's racking up the hours at work.
Charlene doesn't mind, as she says " I like spending time in Lellowknife. " She has trouble saying the "Y"
so it's Lellowknife to her.
I'll let ya know what happens.
Snowed and blowed all night, winter time in the 'knife.
Hopefully there's a computer room at the next place we stay.
Charlene doesn't mind, as she says " I like spending time in Lellowknife. " She has trouble saying the "Y"
so it's Lellowknife to her.
I'll let ya know what happens.
Snowed and blowed all night, winter time in the 'knife.
Hopefully there's a computer room at the next place we stay.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Well, all day walking and eating chinese food and the other thing...still nothing! Tomorrow I have to decide whether to stay or go home and come back when the baby actually arrives. Michelle any other home remedies? other than castor oil? anyone?
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
no news is good news...
I'd like to meet the arse that came up with that one. Miranda is upstairs in the hotel room right now decidedly NOT in labor. Well technically she is, but it's progressing very slowly, I'm hoping tonight or tomorrow, although it is nice to be away from work for a few days in the big town. Charlene has been coming to work with me every shift, and it's been great, but I'm looking forward to getting back to normal. Although there is nothing like playing floor hockey with yer kid in an empty terminal building at two thirty in the morning. that's the stuff that'll keep you young. I remember doing the same thing with Beckers back when I first started at the airport and was still a single dad.
We should be moving into our house the end of Oct. and we'll get our internet back then. I actually don't have internet at work either.(it's a special modem thingy...) But once I move the good folks at NASA and CSA via the University of Calgary will be picking up the bill for my internet. I didn't have the camera with me on the way to yellowknife and you don't see much at mach 3 anyways. But I would have liked to post a pic of all the snow for Frank.
Anyhoo, Miranda is probably wondering where I am (I went out to the truck about 40 minutes ago) on my way back in I saw the hotel business center and voila. and now it's been 45 minutes. I'm bagged. goodnight.
We should be moving into our house the end of Oct. and we'll get our internet back then. I actually don't have internet at work either.(it's a special modem thingy...) But once I move the good folks at NASA and CSA via the University of Calgary will be picking up the bill for my internet. I didn't have the camera with me on the way to yellowknife and you don't see much at mach 3 anyways. But I would have liked to post a pic of all the snow for Frank.
Anyhoo, Miranda is probably wondering where I am (I went out to the truck about 40 minutes ago) on my way back in I saw the hotel business center and voila. and now it's been 45 minutes. I'm bagged. goodnight.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Soon, I hope!
Well I'm at the public library in Simpson, Charlene and I left work early because we are on our way to Yellowknife. Miranda is just going in to labor. So now that I know where to go to get online, blogging will resume albeit with a slightly amended schedule. I have been run pretty ragged without my better half. A seven hour drive coming up. on a dirt road. in the rain. Ya gotta love the north. I don't have time right now to get caught up with you guy's blogs.
Miranda would freak if she knew I stopped to blog on the way to my son's birth!!!
Oh yeah she has now decided to not use Coleman, if you can believe that. So people a write in campaign is needed. Honk if you like Coleman!
bye guys, be in touch!
Miranda would freak if she knew I stopped to blog on the way to my son's birth!!!
Oh yeah she has now decided to not use Coleman, if you can believe that. So people a write in campaign is needed. Honk if you like Coleman!
bye guys, be in touch!
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