Charlene just came in and she calls the airport daddy's castle. There's a funny story behind that. I was having some trouble with this guy working for me at the airport and I end up hollering at the guy " Make no mistake! I'm the king of this GD castle!!" The guy had a real problem with who was in charge. Aaanyhoo, when I got home and told the misses about it Charlene was listening...Next time we drive out to the airport Charlene says " There's my daddy's castle!"
And she still calls it that.
I think Frank's spring cleaning is inspiring us all! I notice that he didn't take me up on my offer to come down and help me with spring cleaning!
I worked in ATC for many years. Fixing it, not operating. I did go the wrong way on a runway once, with an aircraft on final. My excuse? French controller with a lisp.
In the digging out, did you come across anything archeaic? I would like to have buddy's job please. I can put my feet up with the best of 'em and read a book, too!!!
I would like to call Melinda/Miranda - Miranda. May I? It would take the confusion away for me! And I need all the help I can get.
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