well, three weeks smoke free. 'bout 4 days with no nicotine gum. still no casualties. I know the pic is not current, but I needed a little something, to get me thru. It's getting warmer out, about -9 outside right now, melt is starting slowly. Despite the post time on the blog, it's about 1:30 p.m. here right now. I have three night shifts left in this run. My new employee is here and is adjusting to life with nothing. By that I mean...nothing. I told her that the first thing she will notice is that TV commercials no longer apply to her. McDonald's-nope, Arby's- uh uh, Domino's- forget it,
Blackberry?...Not here! New cell phone maybe? Sorry, no signal..unless it's smoke signals! When she applied she said she wanted to escape the rat race. I told her up here we have to race beavers( rats can't take the cold, or the lightning quickness of our beavers) Ahh s**t don't know what I did here. better get the technician, MELINDAAAA!!! help, I'm stuck in bold and can't get out!