Sunday, June 26, 2011

well on my way again tomorrow- i'm off to CYGH for a week. never been there before(those of you who watch ice pilots will remember them from the show where the only store and post office burned down at christmas) but i digress. mike, i can't say anything about that bcuz i'm not sure about the statute of limitations on that. but lets just say that everytime i tell that story people laugh their ass off. I still got some pics from our trip(it was actually four days and just over 500km byGPS) i'll put them up when i get back. when we left the big river boat launch in fort prov it was like seven friday night. miranda asked me when i would be back and i told her monday about 4 o clock. we didn't have a watch and no real plan other than roughly where we were gonna camp each night. even so, i hit the boat launch at 4:06 monday afternoon. the boys were amazed at my accurate estimated time of arrival.
frank you are correct sir that is indeed the domulus chromulus if my latin is correct.