Saturday, July 2, 2011

always a frickin' bear...every airport has a cliche'. that's in YVQ, it's a small griz.

what else we got- view from the tower in YVQ this is a kick ass all digital touch screen futuristic bunch of coolness, way different than my museum of aviation. buffalo airways on the ramp in YGH- doing the run-up the big DC4 was generating some nice little dust devils.

I have to say when I'm flying over the mountains in a Twin Otter on my way to a remote little place, and i'm looking out at the mountains going by, river in the distance it's like wow man and I'm getting paid for this shit! if life is a game-no more calls-we have a winner!


Frank Brown said...

Very nice views. I could live there, 'cept for the bugs.

C said...

Interesting company, those Buffalo peeps and all...Do u see them much?