Tuesday, June 21, 2011

a little over one pound of hamburger in this bad boy!

after a couple days camping, a bath was needed-brrrr!

the boat all un-loaded at second camp

serial killer carl with his largest victim(the fish was released)

second camp

that's a 28 inch cooler, so not too bad

mesieus Lee and Enfield made a damn fine .303

first night camp

well, I'm back from my annual trip. It was awesome! it ranked right up there with one of my trips with steven. Derek and serial killer Carl from work came with me. We had miranda drive us over to fort Providence
and drop us off and came back to simpson in my boat. about 300km by boat in four days. we fished every river and creek between here and fort prov. we caught lots of fish got hammered and had a great time. maybe i can right off the cost on my taxes, call it professional developement and team building!


Frank Brown said...

You probably wouldn't get a deduction for the alcohol poisoning. Nice walleye.

Anonymous said...

hunting at night, what did you get ? were you duck jacking like the old days

Frank Brown said...

P.S. Always wear a hat or you'll get brain cancer in that chrome dome.