Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Steven of the burnt legs came home for holidays from the army. Harley and Charlene were duly impressed with a real live army man. Steven camo'd their faces and put them thru some PT it was pretty good. Steven also proved that the army can teach anyone to shoot- come on now steve-o you know you couldn't hit the broad side of a barn before! god the excuses! something wrong with the gun, I never used one like this before...i heard em all. NOW on the other hand he picks up a gun that he's never used before and scores on every shot. I was impressed(not easily done) All photo credits go to harley this time cuz my camera battery was dead.


Frank Brown said...

I heard that they have guys under the targets to put enough holes in it so the gutter rat can pass. They usually make those guys mine field detectors. Go Blue!

the Mailman Family said...

Love the camo look! And what look is Coleman sporting?