x marks the spot, a neat contrail over fort simpson

Coleman lets fly with a wicked right cross!

he hauls back.....

and BAM! he knocks the S#$% out of that heavy bag!

boom, short right uppercut, there mister punching bag,
I already put my big sister in a wheelchair, don't mess with me
or I'll knock yer hook right out of the ceiling. (he did)

Miranda's auntie Bella bought this for our house at willow

Wave cloud crashing over the mountain, it's just like a cloud waterfall

The infamous HAIREATER I believe I may have mentioned these before. It's a pine bark beetle and nasty bcuz they actually do eat hair.

This is a small one. I know. GROSS! and of course there millions of them. they fly up behind you and velcro themselves in your hair and chow down.

get any better than this?