Friday, March 5, 2010

well, i will soon be heading out on duty travel. it's been awhile since i've done that, and am looking forward to it. i don't mind the travel if it's to a new place i've never been. Fort MacPherson is where i'm headed for about a week. it's quite a bit further north than i've been.
my boss travels A LOT for work, so i don't mind helping out, give him a break. he's a good boss, gotta treat him right. somewhere up around Inuvik, i guess, fly to yellowknife than to inuvik and then drive to fort macphoo. somewhere on the dempster highway? who knows. i'll figure it out. shouldn't be too hard to find.

1 comment:

the Mailman Family said...

Don't forget to take the camera and also we need to see Coleman's new hair cut :)