Monday, May 18, 2009

Well, it's been awhile since we posted anything of note, or to be honest, for me, really been near the computer at all. It's been freakish busy at work with break up and all. but the ferry is in the water and operating.
there have been a few "firsts " this week. Coleman had his first dirtbike ride and his first ride on quadzilla.
Charlie Brown mastered her two wheeler without training wheels-she was dreading it but was pretty good straight out of the gate.

I bought a new chainsaw to go with...our new summer house. Yeah we bought a house down at Willow river where we camp every year. it's awesome. pics will follow when the Wrigley ferry goes in the water.
The first pic is for Frank. Everytime someone in this town comments on how nice the weather is we wake up to this. What a surprise, a picture of a plane and the sun sets on our neighbour's tipi.


C said...

Nice to "hear" from you once again. I can't complain because people crank about how slow I am to put up a blog...and I'm retired! Looking forward to seeing pics of your new summer home...

Frank Brown said...

Ya gotta luv a house that needs a chainsaw.

the Mailman Family said...

Good job Charlene! NO more training wheels! Coleman looks like he could rev that bike and go . . . Like the sunset and plane pic and can't wait to see pics of the summer home that needs a chainsaw!