Thursday, January 8, 2009

well it's been very cold and remains that way, -42 outside right now. there's no wind so thank your favorite deity for that. my -100 celsius rated boots will be here next week.

I picked up another maintenance gig looking after another observatory out by the airport, this one is called the Northstar project. The work will be very similar and they've offered me 75 bucks an hour...HELLO!
The pic...the messy work bench of a fool. this is where the magic happens folks. but I've promised the missus that we'll clean up, tidy and organize it tomorrow night so here's the "before" look for the "after" on saturday. I prefer it the way it is-I know where every single thing is. the only time I lose anything is after it has been "mirandized" such as will happen tomorrow night. god, i think i might need a drink to get through it.

1 comment:

Frank Brown said...

I have two benches that look just like that. Don't bother to clean up, some gremlin will come in the middle of the night and mess everything up again.