Wednesday, August 6, 2008

three years in on a life sentence

I mean that in a good way, today is Miranda and my third wedding anniversary. Oddly enough we don't have any pics from the wedding in the computer. Funny story though, our wedding like most everything in my life was unorthodox to say the least.
I was down in Northern Quebec training a couple fellas to work at the airport there and got back to Fort Simpson on July 4 after being away for almost three weeks. I had a one hour layover in Yellowknife on the way home so I had my boss meet me at the airport there and I went and bought an engagement ring and hustled back to the airport to get my flight home.
When I landed in Simpson I ran straight through the building and out to the parking lot- I was down on one knee before she was even out of the vehicle. She teared up and said yes(go figure)
" When?" she asked, before I knew what I was saying I said "on my birthday!" She said "no, how about the next day, the sixth?"
That gave us one month to put together a wedding. I didn't even own a suit or a pair of dress shoes. Over the coming weeks, we started putting stuff together,got the marriage license and a Justice of the Peace, arranged for the rec center, bought the food and all that. About one week before we were to get married our justice of the peace got very sick and couldn't perform the ceremony...uh-oh.
well we got another guy, a pentecostal fella as the catholic priest and anglican minister wouldn't marry us without taking 10 years of marriage counselling, which I thought was kinda cart before the horse, know what I mean?
So the pentecostal guy is on board and we're good to go. Until the morning of the wedding, when pentecostal guy drops the bomb that because I was divorced... HE WOULDN'T MARRY US!
Lucky for us Fort Simpson has a ferry...with a captain...hmmm that was the best we could come up with until the last minute we heard a rumor that a fellow in town had a special license he got from the territorial government to be able to perform marriages(he was going to perform the ceremony at his son's wedding)
I called the guy, I didn't know him from Adam and persuaded him to do it, remember this was on the morning of the wedding.
So at 2:00 p.m, right on time we started the ceremony- no rehearsal no plan, not even so much as who was going to stand where. I picked an invited guest to do a bible reading, and we just winged it. went off without a hitch. Would have been really cool to get married on the ferry though...oh time. Just kidding babe, I love you and happy anniversary!


Michelle said...

sweet story! that's one to tell the grandkids!

the Mailman Family said...

Belated Happy Anniversary! I agree with Michelle, very sweet story. Would love to see a pic or two sometime . . .