Tuesday, July 8, 2008

way to go charlie brown!

I took Miranda and Charlene out fishing last night, across the river to Harris creek, neither had been out in the boat yet this year and it was a great start. Miranda caught a few with her new rod and reel. But the big winner of the evening was Charlie Brown, she caught the biggest fish and was pretty proud of herself(I was grinning pretty big too) She looks like me and when out in the boat fishing, talks like me too. It's cute, she's got this big fish on her line and he's pulling line and her drag is screaming, she's holding on tight and says " he's very agressel" aggressive is the word she was looking for but it's even cuter for the mispronunciation.

The fish was too heavy for Charlene to hold up, so dad had the honor.


Anonymous said...

those are all pike pics are they not? do you catch trout and char?

the Mailman Family said...

Good job Charlie Brown!

C said...

Wow, what a big fish, Charlie Brown! You must be a very strong girl, indeed! Can't wait to see a picture of the next fish you catch!

Now...where did Uncle Frank go? I feel the urge to catch a pickeral or two. Maybe a small bass to taste. Well, I could go by myself, I guess...