Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Healing, slow but sure.

I'm starting to feel better, I have about 80% movement in my arm, which drops to about 50% if there is any weight or resistance(or if I'm not wearing my brace). I think I broke a rib too, as I now have a large nob of bone on the end of one where it meets my sternum, and the pain i feel is more associated with that than my shoulder, I have to go back in for follow up, next week.
The lady from the newspaper heard thru the grapevine about the wreck and called to ask if I would tell her about it for the paper. I said yes, as it might mean that I can stop correcting all the rumours one at a time. I've heard that the whole family was in the truck, miranda broke her arm, miranda got a black eye, miranda was in there but didn't get hurt, just about every possible combination. One lady in town was just about to start arguing with me about who was in the truck(based on what she heard). Miranda laughed at that, the "moccasin telegraph" at it's finest. In this town, if you don't hear a rumour by noon, apparently you are supposed to start one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ford!! Chev would not have lost control