Friday, November 14, 2008

every 13 years...just like clockwork

yup, that's a new winter jacket I'm wearing. The last time I bought one was 13 years ago, i wear stuff till it wears out, but the missus has objections about me going around dressed like a homeless guy who's down on his luck.... When I travel for work it's sorta expected that a feller presents himself in a certain light. " oh, YOU'RE the airport guy, sorry thought you were a homeless guy" I've actually heard that before- I think deep down I like shattering that first impression.

Frank, i will trade your +18 of the other day for my -18 of this morning. Old man winter is not here yet...but he sent his missus the BVSQ on ahead to get things ready for him, hence the mongo-drift hanging off the edge of the roof.
a pic of Coleman and Miranda.


the Mailman Family said...

Nice jacket! I can see Miranda's point in not wanting you to look like a homeless guy - it does reflect badly on the wife - you know, like 'She lets him go out of the house looking like that?"

Oh, the snow looks kind of neat - up there. You can keep it and we'll keep enjoying our mild weather!

Frank Brown said...

Homeless people will not accept my clothes when I'm done with them.

the Mailman Family said...

Knock, Knock! Anyone home??? Time for an update!

Frank Brown said...

HELLO! Is there any intelligent life out there?