Wednesday, June 18, 2008


well my vacation started an hour ago. feels good. 3 days til departure. I know I ve been remiss with the blogging and I know the eagle ain't moved a lick, but to be fair, I've been busy at work, and miranda was looking after the residence for the past two weeks. Friday the thirteenth was a bad one as Miranda had to take me to the health center at 6:00am in extreme pain (they blame my kidneys). I'm dubious about that. but some "imaging" will tell the tale. when I get back from fishing of course-a guys gotta have priorities. there was some talk of medevac-ing me out, but I opted to stay in town and just have them manage the pain. If I had gone to YK on a medevac, they would have just done the same thing, at least at home I was somewhat comfortable. Sis here's the one and only...Coleman Brown. I told myself I wasn't going to cross contaminate my blogs but the answer to the question is a "boar spear" and it is exactly what it sounds like. Steve-o of the crispy sticks wants to kill a bear with it...I know, I know. (don't worry, I won't let him)

1 comment:

the Mailman Family said...

Coleman is sure a cutie and getting so big -love those little teeth. Hope you managed to have a good time on your vacation. I expect we will see some pics???