Thursday, May 1, 2008

well, not too optimistic about my chances for pics tonite but what the heck, it's not like I was caught in grid lock, or stuck in line at the grocery I have to get my frustration somewhere.
Speaking of the grocery store, at this time of year EVERYTHING and EVERYONE that comes or goes from fort simpson has to be flown across the river, til the ice breaks and the ferry goes in the water. Here a Great Slave Helicopter, that's a Bell 206 jetranger, comes in and drops another load of groceries to the truck waiting on the simpson side of the river.
there's nothing like a nice helicopter ride across the river to drive the price of milk into the stratosphere. At this time of year when you go into the grocery store you kind of have to find your happy place to avoid the pain.
If blogger allows here's Coleman and Charlene doing what they do best, being cute.
Okay, blogger.
Well everyone, since blogger says no go on the pics, you will have to imagine the helicopter, and my cute kids.
p.s. the helicopter is blue if that helps.


the Mailman Family said...

Darn blogger - keep trying with the pics, O.K.?

Frank Brown said...

I believe the pic problem is operator error. If anybody is going to have a problem posting pics, it's me and my vista.

Anonymous said...

Vista!!!, i sent my new lap top back and had Xp installed.