miranda and charlene have some fun challenging gravity. A freaky cloud and a sunset from about two weeks ago. We just got back from Yellowknife. We left Simpson last night at 7:00 p.m.-got in to YK at 2:00a.m. left YK at 2:00p.m. and back into simpson at 9:30p.m about 1600km round trip. pretty tired.
Friday, May 23, 2008
miranda and charlene have some fun challenging gravity. A freaky cloud and a sunset from about two weeks ago. We just got back from Yellowknife. We left Simpson last night at 7:00 p.m.-got in to YK at 2:00a.m. left YK at 2:00p.m. and back into simpson at 9:30p.m about 1600km round trip. pretty tired.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
welcome back midnight sun
I took this picture at 11:20p.m. two nights ago, as you can see it's pretty light out. The ferry will be going in the water tomorrow and operational on friday. we will likely take a drive down to Redknife river on sunday for some Arctic Grayling fishing. pound for pound these are the fighting-est fresh water fish I've ever caught.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Miranda learned how to drive the dirtbike today. She got the hang of it pretty quick and was soon doing circuits around the house. Charlene had lunch in her playhouse today. We started putting together Charlene's playground set, and will finish it tomorrow after work. I also managed to finish installing my weather station, and tomorrow will power it up.
It was a busy day, but a nice one. Sure nice to spend the day outside instead of in the office.
Some bad news as Charlene's pup brownie is missing and presumed eaten by wolves. There have been some hanging around in the woods behind the airstrip in town all winter. you could hear them howling sometimes. it's not a very common occurence, but it happens. Cheeto was traumatized for a few days as well and was very timid but is back to her old self now.
Charlene took it quite well, and there were no tears.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
break up
The busted ice, it was not so good a show this year. I hear maybe a week to ten days for the ferry. busy at work today.
Monday, May 5, 2008
breaking up is hard to do...
for the ice on the river this year it is, that's for sure. I'm guessing tomorrow night at the latest. we are on our annual flood watch.
We have the Vista curse on our computer as well. when I get my laptop, I'll be getting windows XP installed.
I'm only trying once for pics tonight.
congrats to Sis and Gary on the arrival of the two new baby goats.
well that's it for me, it was like fort simpson international airport out there today.
and i am bushed. here's pics from previous post. woo hoo! it worked!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
well, not too optimistic about my chances for pics tonite but what the heck, it's not like I was caught in grid lock, or stuck in line at the grocery store...so I have to get my frustration somewhere.
Speaking of the grocery store, at this time of year EVERYTHING and EVERYONE that comes or goes from fort simpson has to be flown across the river, til the ice breaks and the ferry goes in the water. Here a Great Slave Helicopter, that's a Bell 206 jetranger, comes in and drops another load of groceries to the truck waiting on the simpson side of the river.
there's nothing like a nice helicopter ride across the river to drive the price of milk into the stratosphere. At this time of year when you go into the grocery store you kind of have to find your happy place to avoid the pain.
If blogger allows here's Coleman and Charlene doing what they do best, being cute.
Okay, blogger.
Well everyone, since blogger says no go on the pics, you will have to imagine the helicopter, and my cute kids.
p.s. the helicopter is blue if that helps.
Speaking of the grocery store, at this time of year EVERYTHING and EVERYONE that comes or goes from fort simpson has to be flown across the river, til the ice breaks and the ferry goes in the water. Here a Great Slave Helicopter, that's a Bell 206 jetranger, comes in and drops another load of groceries to the truck waiting on the simpson side of the river.
there's nothing like a nice helicopter ride across the river to drive the price of milk into the stratosphere. At this time of year when you go into the grocery store you kind of have to find your happy place to avoid the pain.
If blogger allows here's Coleman and Charlene doing what they do best, being cute.
Okay, blogger.
Well everyone, since blogger says no go on the pics, you will have to imagine the helicopter, and my cute kids.
p.s. the helicopter is blue if that helps.
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